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Patrick Gunnels, I have some free advice, continue to lead the way in fighting the lies through the unique methods of spreading the written word of the heavyweight thinkers of the day. Focus on the Maui attack and defeat this (Hegelian) Climate Change caused fire storm (factitious Problem) that they caused in order to gain power over humanity (deranged Solution). The suffering and death imposed upon this community of people has all the signs of the psychiatric condition known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, MSbP, where a caregiver, usually a mother does the unthinkable and causes real harm to a child and seeks secondary gains. In the political realm, a factitious incident is imposed upon the people in order to gain power over them. In medicine, volumes have been written on this deadly malady. Usually, MSbP is untreatable the Globalist cabal gets away with the planned murder of all generations of Hawaiians owning land in that area, the world will be toasted by DEW attacks to the Globalist benefit and Humanity loss. This bogus Climate Change has to stop here.
How do we know this is not what they say about Maui?
1. Dogs were roasted in the middle of the street and probably people were mummified in the open, boiled with the intense microwave weapon until crisp. 2. Therefore, no access was allowed by anybody not with the FEMA and RED CROSS (ghouls who cleanup, wet works) 3. The Chief of Police is the same perp who was incident commander in charge of the Las Vegas nightmare. It was instrumental in creating the condition of anxiety, fear, and helplessness for the COVID 'mass phenemon'. 4. The water was shut off before the storm and DEW firestorm. 5. Cell service was out BEFORE the storm. 6. Police were ordered to block the main exit from the town causing a backup of cars with cremated (alive) remains of, 7., the children who were sent home from the school so the whole family would die together conveniently leaving no natives to claim ownership to the property wanted by the mother-WEFfers. 9. Try interviewing the Police on traffic control blocking egress. You can't, they were burnt offerings, too. And, I have a hunch, knowing how evil the Globalists are, that the policemen assigned to block traffic were Natives , unknowingly, to assist in the crime and be a victim of a the mass murder/genocide of his own blood relatives. 10. A book, Fire and Fury: the Story of the 2023 Maui Fire, by Miles Stones, explaining the Climate Change narrative. The book is not available now, only a brief booklet calling bullshit on the dumb-ass narrative. And, 11. The cars would not start at a certain point-like there was an EMP weapon used that knocked out the electronics and power grid.
That's what I saw at a glance and I wasn't even trying to get all the inconsistencies with the narrative. It is so obvious! A grassfire melting glass ?(2700 degrees F) my ass!
Watch them set fire to the mainland, spray us like bugs with poison and have a vaccine for it. Don't fall for it people! We are in a kinetic war now. Know the enemy is psychopathic and will do anything to hurt humans.

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Because you are the best people in the world and I adore you with all my heart and I'm so so sorry for not doing lives on here like I should. That will change so soon you can't even believe it.

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G'day all, I wonder how many Australians are signed up to hear these epic threads. The Smoky God was simply too good to no longer pay for!

October 12, 2022

I enjoyed last night's discussion with Chris Paul.

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