Hi everyone - I just wanted to thank all of you who decided to support me on Locals now that Twitch has stolen my subscription payments and tortiously interfered in the relationship I have with my audience. I think I want to get the Brothers Grimm version of Snow White, and read and analyze it here on Locals. Does Friday sound good?
Patrick Gunnels, I have some free advice, continue to lead the way in fighting the lies through the unique methods of spreading the written word of the heavyweight thinkers of the day. Focus on the Maui attack and defeat this (Hegelian) Climate Change caused fire storm (factitious Problem) that they caused in order to gain power over humanity (deranged Solution). The suffering and death imposed upon this community of people has all the signs of the psychiatric condition known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, MSbP, where a caregiver, usually a mother does the unthinkable and causes real harm to a child and seeks secondary gains. In the political realm, a factitious incident is imposed upon the people in order to gain power over them. In medicine, volumes have been written on this deadly malady. Usually, MSbP is untreatable the Globalist cabal gets away with the planned murder of all generations of Hawaiians owning land in that area, the world will be toasted by DEW attacks to the Globalist ...